The portfolio I made during my time as UX design student.

Even though I didn't end up working as strictly a UX Designer, these projects taught me invaluable lessons about problem-solving, human-centered design, and always asking why.

Written by krhendrickson

Pro Bono Partnership Atlanta Website Redesign

A responsive redesign of the Pro Bono Partnership Atlanta website with added communication and networking functionality. About the Project My Role: UX/UI Designer Duration: 1 month Tools: Adobe XD, Miro, Trello My Team: John O’Neil (UX/UI Design), Di’Nasia Berry (UX/UI Design) This project was completed as part of the Georgia Tech UX/UI Design Bootcamp. The assigned task was to redesign the website of an Atlanta or Georgia-based nonprofit. After researching our options, my team chose the Pro Bono Partnership Atlanta website.

By krhendrickson

Aurora - rethinking social media

Aurora is a social media app providing users with better control over their viewed content and social experience. Project Overview My Role: Product Designer, User Researcher, Data Analyst My Partner: Taylor Thompson (Product Designer, User Researcher, Data Analyst) Duration: 3 weeks Tools: Pen & Paper, Figma, InVision, Google Forms, Miro, Zoom, Flowmapp, Trello Platform: iOS Summary: This project was completed as part of an open-ended design challenge with the Georgia Tech UX/UI Design Bootcamp.

By krhendrickson

CarryOn - travel with friends

A mobile application designed to ease the process of planning trips with a group. About the Project My Role: UX/UI Designer Duration: 1 month Tools: Adobe XD, Miro This project was completed as part of the Georgia Tech UX/UI Design Bootcamp. The directive for this project was to discover a major pain point for users in their travel-planning process and to design a mobile app that addresses that problem. In order to narrow the scope of the project, my partner and I decided to tailor the research to specifically users planning trips within a group.

By krhendrickson

Lila - finance education made easy

A mobile application designed to create a relaxed and engaging learning environment for users looking to self-educate on personal finance. About the Project My Role: UX/UI Designer Duration: 1 month Tools: Adobe XD, Miro My Team: Melanie Lynch (UX/UI Design), Libby Lim (UX/UI Design) This project was completed as part of the Georgia Tech UX/UI Design Bootcamp. The assigned task was an open-ended mobile app design challenge. After a brainstorming session with my teammates, we chose to focus our app on financial education.

By krhendrickson

The US Tax Court

A responsive redesign of the US Tax Court website focused on improved information architecture, navigation, and visual branding. About the Project My Role: UX/UI Designer Duration: 1 month Tools: Adobe XD, Miro This project was completed as part of the Georgia Tech UX/UI Design Bootcamp. The task for this project was to redesign any government website. I elected to redesign the US Tax Court website because I wanted to challenge myself in creating a positive user experience with difficult, unfriendly content.

By krhendrickson