Hello! Welcome.
More about me? I’ll be graduating this May with an M.S. in Global Health from The Duke Global Health Institute. It’s a research-based program, and my thesis project focused on cervical cancer prevention in rural Western Kenya. I’m also working on a mediation analysis project looking at an intervention for psychotic disorders in Tanzania. To keep my coding skills sharp, I’m working as a Teaching Assistant for the course Data Visualization in R taught by Dr. Eric Green.
While my masters work has largely focused on epidemiology, data analysis, and reproductive health, I also have an eye for the visual and arty side of things. In 2020, I completed a certificate in UX/UI Design @ Georgia Tech. You can see my portfolio here.
To keep working backward, I completed a B.S. in Materials Engineering @ Georgia Tech in 2018. While I loved the education process of becoming an engineer, I wanted to find a field that gave me a strong sense of emotional connection to the work. I’m lucky to have stumbled into Global Public Health.
From engineering, to digital design, to health data science, I’ve always loved working on challenging and important problems.
And other than work?
When I’m not schooling or working, I love to rock climb, hang out with friends, & spend time with my dog Ruby.
I also like to devour mystery, thriller, and fantasy novels like someone is paying me to do it (but sadly they’re not).
The Garden
Considerations for pharmacoepidemiology study design

Right now, an unorganized list of concepts I don’t want to forget about. Pharmacoepidemiology, general Rapid changes in the natural history of a disease or changes in treatment decisions will mean strong effects in relation to calendar time. Example: The management of COVID-19 improved throughout the pandemic independent of medication use. If you wanted to assess the comparative effectiveness of a drug, you would need to control for calendar time.
Read moreThe portfolio I made during my time as UX design student.
Pro Bono Partnership Atlanta Website Redesign

A responsive redesign of the Pro Bono Partnership Atlanta website with added communication and networking functionality. About the Project My Role: UX/UI Designer Duration: 1 month Tools: Adobe XD, Miro, Trello My Team: John O’Neil (UX/UI Design), Di’Nasia Berry (UX/UI Design) This project was completed as part of the Georgia Tech UX/UI Design Bootcamp. The assigned task was to redesign the website of an Atlanta or Georgia-based nonprofit. After researching our options, my team chose the Pro Bono Partnership Atlanta website.
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epidemiology (4) biostatistics (1) causal inference (1)